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waiting on the Lord

Writer: TapawingoTapawingo

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. This phrase is not only part of a beloved Tapawingo song, it has also been somewhat of a theme of session four on the island. On Tuesday during vespers Miss Karis shared with us about how to wait well, and the next morning during power hour Miss Natalie helped us better understand the fruit of the spirit of patience. These messages have opened up conversations with campers about waiting on the Lord, and how he not only sustains us in our waiting, but how he uses waiting to strengthen our faith in Him.

Tapawingo is a place where campers and counselors alike undergo tremendous growth as they enter into new experiences while learning more about the Lord in an intentionally loving community. Counselors get up at meals to tell embarrassing stories, campers try sailing, archery, and hiking for the first time and get to watch shooting stars on their sleep outs. New friends are made and badges are earned. When the sun is out, we lay on the dock and soak it up as we wait for our turn to banana boat. When rain comes, we sing the rain song and try to catch the most drops in our mouths. Not every day feels as neat and clean as the island after capers time, but there is grace for the messy process of growth.

In Hosea 11:1, God says, “when Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son”. From the littlest oakie to the wisest staff member, the Lord has loved us through every stage of life, even when we have not loved him. God is still strong while he waits for us to realize that it is in fact him that has healed us and led us with cords of human kindness and ties of love, as Hosea 11 continues. As we near the end of our week, we trust that next summer we will return to the island having grown in all of the fruits of the Spirit that is in us.

Our prayer for these campers is that the Holy Spirit would grant them patience that comes from confidence in the power of the Lord to strengthen them as they wait and as they grow.

“For you have been my hope, sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth.” - Psalm 71:5

-Miss Sarah Kate

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