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session six recap

Writer: TapawingoTapawingo

It has been another fun and growth-filled week here at Tapawingo! Our theme this week was “Welcome to the Farm,” and there was no shortage of enthusiasm from both counselors and campers. Cowgirl boots, bandanas, overalls, and flannel shirts were the daily style. Between a game of “Capture the Cow” on Tuesday and a game of “Kajabi Can Can” on Thursday, event hour was an active way for the girls to go all-out and have some theme-related fun! After much work and dedication, many girls were able to complete badges this week in a variety of activity areas. Some of the main areas included Archery, Bible, Swimming, Fitness, and Wildlife. With 32 Basic badges, 9 Advanced badges, and 3 Masters badges, a total of 44 badges were earned!

This week has been both relationally and spiritually enriching. We heard from different staff members at Vespers this week, covering topics such as the Abrahamic Covenant, storing up treasures in heaven, how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, and what it means that we are made in the image of God. Each night following Vespers, the girls gathered together in their cabins to read and discuss Scripture and to pray for one another. Both campers and counselors voiced that cabin devos greatly impacted them and were the highlight of their time at camp.

Another highlight of the week was the baptism of Miss Kelly, a young woman who has been deeply impacted by the ministry of Tapawingo as both a camper and now a counselor. In response to the Lord’s work in her life in the past year, Miss Kelly was led to make a public proclamation of her commitment to follow Jesus. She invited family, close friends on Tapawingo staff, and her campers from the Marcy cabin to attend. After Miss Kelly gave testimony to how Jesus’ love has impacted her life, Miss Joy performed her baptism in the waters of Lake Pleasant by the island beach. The ceremony closed with a sweet time of singing “In Christ Alone”, a hymn which perfectly captures Miss Kelly’s trust in the Lord.

TAP Adventure had another exciting and successful week of exploration. Whether it was rock climbing, caving, or canoeing, the TAP Adventure girls challenged and stretched themselves physically. Spiritually, the girls focused on Romans 12:12 this week, learning what it means to be “joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

The CITs made it out to the High Peaks again for one day this week. They enjoyed the breathtaking views of the MacIntyre Range on one of the sunniest, most beautiful days we’ve had up here. Through reading and application, the CITs grew in the spiritual disciplines of silence, solitude, and fasting; they learned more about the value of sitting in and delighting in God’s presence to seek total satisfaction in Him.

We are blessed by all the Lord has done in this last week, and we are eager to see Him at work in the coming week! Please continue to keep Tapawingo staff and campers in your prayers.

-Miss Karyn

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