Greetings all,
If you’ve just now found yourself wondering why you’re reading a blog post and not browsing the online Tapawingo store for some sweet sweet merchandise, you may have accidently clicked on the wrong tab. If that is the case, then I will take no offense if you choose to stop reading any further and I wish you many blessed days ahead. To those of you who are here intentionally, I welcome you and hope you enjoy reading what I consider to be my rather unique perspective of the ministry that goes on at Tapawingo.
I am a member of the Tapawingo Boat Crew and have spent the summer serving the island. Through my time spent working with the island I have been able to observe the many ways God is using this place to further his kingdom. Tapawingo’s ministry stands out as one of the most effective and transformative gospel focused camps I’ve ever had the pleasure of taking part in. Tapawingo’s ministry is different. The difference maker at Tapawingo (which will hence forth only be referred to as Tap, so I don’t have to type out the whole word) is the people. The incredible amount of work that is put in by the counselors and the administrative staff allows for the campers to come here each week and enjoy a space that has been prepared just for them. Daily sessions of corporate worship and sharing of the gospel help build a foundation of truth for the campers to bring back with them and guide them in their walk with the Lord when they return home. On a more personal level, the counselors truly pour themselves and their hearts into these girls. This closeness allows for the campers to freely express their feelings in an environment that is genuine and free from judgment, something that is hard to find in the secular world these girls find themselves growing up in. These growing relationships open opportunities for the counselors to share individually how God is playing a role in each one of their lives and how He loves them. I have come to know these staff members and am privileged to call them my friends. They are all gifted through the Spirit and I see it in their interactions with the campers. They carry a weight of responsibility and have made many sacrifices for Tap, but they have done so with love in their hearts, not only for the girls they look after but for the Lord. I do not doubt for one second that campers are in great hands and that the relationships they build on the island, with each other and with their counselors, will have a lasting impact on their lives outside of Tap.
As a boat crew member, I play a very small role in this wonderful ministry but am humbled to be involved in any capacity. Whether its traversing the lake through thick fog on an early morning breakfast run, praying I find the Island, or taking the girls out banana boating (woot woot), I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my time here. As we approach the end of the summer and I look back on my own personal and spiritual growth, I can see the fruit of my interactions with Tapawingo and how they have helped me focus less on myself and more on Christ.
Mr. Isaac