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Writer: TapawingoTapawingo

We had a blast being back in the High Peaks this week! We hiked in the Great Range, summiting Upper Wolfjaw, Armstrong, Gothics, and Big Slide. We were so grateful to have some sunshine and breathtaking views this trip; the view from Gothics was particularly incredible. This trip, the girls each had the chance to be Counselor of the Day and lead us while we hiked, in addition to choosing a spiritual emphasis for the day and leading the devo at night. They each did an amazing job leading and it was beautiful to see each of their unique gifts displayed in the way they led and the ways they dug deep into God’s word during devos.

On Wednesday night we decided to try to see the Northern Lights since they were supposed to be visible over the Adirondacks. While unfortunately they did not appear, we enjoyed the glorious stars visible in the Peaks and some of the girls saw the Milky Way for the first time. One theme that frequently came up during the week was wondering at God’s creation. It was cool to see the girls point out the beauties around them to each other and take joy in knowing that we have a Creator who delights in his creation. We also had lots of laughter over our second attempt at brownies on the trail, funny interactions with other hikers, and just the general silliness that each girl brings. The girls are all excited to get to shadow counselors this coming week and we look forward to watching them continue to develop their leadership skills.

-Miss Karis

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